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お題目:『 4squareのsuper user LV1への昇格 』


FAQにあるページへ移動(foursquare Support側に移動する必要あり)

superuserのブロックの「How do I become a Superuser?」というFAQに入っていく。

Ans.部の our guidelines は必ず読んで理解すること!
そして、You can find more information here. から試験会場へ入る

1)Why do you want to be a Superuser? (140 characters max, please!)
2)Where do you live (town/city, state, country)?

ここで、our guidelines の理解力テストと実技テストが行われる。

If you encounter a user violating our guidelines (leaving inappropriate tips or creating inappropriate venues, checking in when they’re not actually at a venue, etc.), you should:
?a) report it to @4sqSupport with links
Xb) use your superuser abilities to close or otherwise edit the venues involved
Xc) leave tips calling out users’ behavior
d) do nothing
When should I expect my venue merge suggestions to take effect?
a) right away
Ob) not right away - another Superuser has to approve the merge first
c) daily
d) depends on the venues
Which is not a legitimate venue? (hint: check our categories)
a) home
Ob) bathroom
c) office
d) highway/road
If you see a home on foursquare, you should:
a) move the map pin to the correct place
b) close the venue
c) flag the venue for deletion
Od) make sure the venue is categorized as Home
Superusers can make all of the following edits except:
?a) venue name & address
Xb) add & remove categories
c) delete venues
d) delete tags
You come across a venue that is vulgar or offensive. What should you do?
Xa) nothing
?b) close the venue
c) flag the venue for deletion
d) both b & c
Where can you find official answers to your foursquare questions?
a) third-party blogs
b) the foursquare user forum at Get Satisfaction
Oc) support.foursquare.com and @4sqSupport on Twitter
d) Wikipedia
If unsure about a venue edit or merge, you should:
a) use your own opinion
Ob) consult our guidelines, other Superusers, or ask @4sqSupport
c) leave a tip so another user can fix it later
d) do nothing

starbucks - pike place market/venueの修正

多分ここ https://ja.foursquare.com/venue/23469

20111011 時点での試験内容
Which is not a legitimate venue? (hint: check our categories)
a) home
o b) bathroom
c) office
d) highway/road

Which of these sample travel spots is not a legitimate venue?
a) Subway line A/C/E
b) JetBlue Flight 607
o c) Route 1 Traffic Jam
d) Route 1

You come across a venue that is vulgar or offensive. What should you do?
a) nothing
b) close the venue
o c) flag the venue for deletion
d) both b & c

Are towns and cities legitimate venues?
o a) no, close the venue and flag for deletion
b) yes, but make sure they’re categorized as Other - Great Outdoors
c) yes, as along as the venue is not a state, country, or Planet Earth!
d) both b & c

How should you suggest venue merges on the Edit Venue page?
a) close the smaller venue (fewer check-ins) and leave the larger venue
b) enter the venue ID of the smaller venue (fewer check-ins) into the larger venue
c) enter the venue ID of the larger venue (more check-ins) into the smaller venue
o d) either b or c -- it doesn’t matter!

If you see a home on foursquare, you should:
a) move the map pin to the correct place
b) close the venue
c) flag the venue for deletion
o d) make sure the venue is categorized as Home

Where can you find official answers to your foursquare questions?
a) third-party blogs
b) the foursquare user forum at Get Satisfaction
o c) support.foursquare.com and @4sqSupport on Twitter
d) Wikipedia

If unsure about a venue edit or merge, you should:
a) use your own opinion
o b) consult our guidelines, other Superusers, or ask @4sqSupport
c) leave a Tip so another user can fix it later
d) do nothing


投稿者 ひまつり : 15:23 | コメント (0)


お題目:『 動画 20110605 』

投稿者 ひまつり : 07:33 | コメント (0) | トラックバック

お題目:『 スマホ 買ったどー 』

docomo SC-02Bをヤフオクで落札しました。


まあ、ポタφ(DWR-PG /w docomo SIM)へ接続出来れば、最終ゴールなので…w


投稿者 ひまつり : 07:17 | コメント (0) | トラックバック